Maize Undersowing
Pack Size 20kg
Seed Rate 4-6kg/acre
Undersowing Maize with a companion crop helps to prevent soil erosion and retains nutrients, so protecting the environment without compromising maize yield. Companion crops can be sown at establishment or at the 4 - 6 leaf stage.
MaizeMax mixtures not only solve the issues of soil stability and nutrient retention but also produce good quality forage either for grazing or ensiling, giving continuous production and reducing your carbon footprint per kg of forage produced.
Maizemax 1
- 60% Fojtan Donata
- 40% Tall Fescue PLUS™ Cocksfoot
Maizemax 2
- 40% Lofa Hybrid Ryegrass PLUS™
- 35% Aston Crusader Hybrid Ryegrass
- 25% Nolwen Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (T)
For further details please see Forage Max Catalogue available on our website or send us an enquiry and we will send out a hard copy to you.