Herbal Leys 20kg

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Style: Legume and Herb Rich Mixture GS4
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Herbal Leys

Pack Size 20kg

Seed Rate 14-16kg/acre

Legume and herb-rich mixtures provide an abundance of productive grazing for livestock whilst providing habitat and food source for invertebrates and pollinators, supporting biodiversity.

Herbal leys develop a beneficial soil structure through the increase of organic matter due to the variety of species used and the length of time they are in the soil. Grasses offer the reliable bulk forage in these mixtures. These leys replace organic matter lost through rotation and also supply a valuable forage crop for livestock grazing or cut for silage.

The Nitrogen fixing ability of legumes, reduces the need for artificial fertilisers, as well as increasing the protein content which directly enhances DLWG or milk production. Deep rooting herbs break through damaged soil structure providing livestock with access to vital nutrients and minerals. Herbs act as a natural anthelmintic, reducing reliance on wormers.

Legume and Herb Rich Mixture GS4

  • 25% Perennial Rye Grass
  • 25% Festlolium
  • 15% Creeping Red Fescue
  • 10% SSMG
  • 7% Red Clover
  • 5.6% Sanfoin
  • 5% Timothy
  • 3% Alsike Clover
  • 1.93% Lucerne (inoculated)
  • 1% Sheeps Burnet
  • 0.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 0.5% Plantain
  • 0.25% Yarrow
  • 0.2% Sheeps parsley
  • 0.02% Black Knapweed

Sowing Rate 30kg/ha

Pack Size 20kg

Herbal meadow (GS4)

  • 27% Perennial Ryegrass
  • 20% Festulolium
  • 13% Cocksfoot
  • 10% SSMG
  • 7%Red Clover
  • 6% Sanfoin
  • 5% Timothy
  • 5% Lucerne (inoculated)
  • 3% Alsike Clover
  • 1% Fenugreek
  • 1% Perennial Chicory
  • 0.7% Plantain
  • 0.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • 0.5% Sheeps Burnet
  • 0.25% Ag Yarrow
  • 0.05% Sheeps Parsley

Sowing Rate 30kg/ha

Pack Size 20kg